“Even back when I was young, I feel like people always knew but I didn’t really come out. There were a lot of moments where I struggled with my trauma and figuring out who I’d want to be. At one point, however, I did try to transition from being female to male with hormones and everything. My beard was growing. And one day, I was at a convenience store and the cashier said, ‘How’s your day, Sir?’ and I remember I felt weird hearing that. Eventually, I stopped the transition after realizing that it wasn’t what I wanted to be. In the end, I realized I would always like both feminine and masculine stuff. And that’s fine. There’s no need to strictly fit gender binarism. I can fall in love with women and still be a woman. And I can be a woman that likes cars and Harleys. It’s all about total acceptance. It's with this acceptance that my wife Danielle and I found each other.”
— Kassie (she/her), 40, woman, lesbian.