“I think what I realized is that my fashion style has always been the same. And I've just gotten more comfortable in it. I've always dressed pretty androgynously. Jeans and t-shirts, sort of more toward the masculine side than the feminine side. I don't really like wearing dresses. It's not my thing. But sometimes I do like wearing dresses to go out and feeling feminine. I used to judge myself. When I was seeing men, I didn't feel like a pretty girl. I didn't feel like men were attracted to me in that way. I felt this pressure to be more feminine, to try to be something that people wanted. And then I was like, ‘I don't like this.’ And so I just let go of that. Being with women has allowed me to not bother about what men think. And I can just own whatever my style is. If you don't like it, that's cool. I do. I genuinely feel comfortable in my skin.” 
— Katie Neinast (she/her), 22, queer womxn.

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