“I’ve had several coming out moments. I first came out as bisexual at thirteen as a cis-woman, and then as lesbian as a cis-woman. And then I came out as a straight male as a trans man, and then I came out as a gay man six years ago. I always knew since I was young and I also knew that I was trans. When I was four, I knew that I was a boy and a girl. Where I came from, we watched a lot of Disney movies as little kids and all the girls would want to be the princess. But I wanted to be the prince. I definitely wanted to be Prince Eric. I wanted the Little Mermaid to rescue me in the ocean and wake me up. I always identified with the more masculine roles in fairy tales. It’s not a bad thing. You just know that you’re different. I never identified with being a princess or a damsel in distress. I wanted to rescue myself, and rescue other girls. That might have been very cis-heteronormative but I always felt more drawn toward masculinity. Back then, it was very binary. In today’s age, it doesn’t matter if you’re masculine or feminine anymore. These things don’t really coincide with your gender.” 
—  Tobias (he/him), 31, male, gay. 

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