“Growing up, I feel like my family knew that I was gay but they kind of assumed I didn’t want to come out. I never had a girlfriend. I was never the type to pretend to be with girls or date them or kiss them. I always felt in the back of my head that it wasn’t right to do. I was always super neutral. I didn’t go out with girls and also wasn’t feminine. But when I finally came out, it was first to my sister. We were drinking and she just asked me casually if I was gay. And I said yes. Then we hugged and she said, ‘We all knew. But we were just waiting for you, letting you be ready to tell us.’ And, that was really nice of her and also other people I started coming out to were supportive. You know it was eating me up inside. Not being able to be who you are eats away at you. Some people will never know how excruciating that is. And as the years went by, I would always think about how I wish I did this sooner. But everything happens for a reason. I remember how I used to feel as if I didn’t want to live anymore. But now I’m truly happy with myself.”
—  David Hem (he/him), 33, male, gay.

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